This is Johnny G. He is a Italian from New York City. He drives a cab but lives in a 1.2 million dollar beach house. How do you say "Witness Protection Program." Gee, I hope this posting doesn't get him killed! LOL
He actually made a mint with a beverage distributorship in the city and retired to Florida like many do in search of the good life. And of course, after a period of time, he was bored and looking for something to do. John is actually someone that I turn to for advice. We have been close for many years and he is like a father figure to me. My father passed away many years ago.
During the slow season, cab drivers in Tampa go to what we call stands. That is were you sit and wait your turn for a call. The city is divided into zones and each zone has a stand. This photo was taken on stand 21 the Hyde Park or So Ho area of South Tampa. Hyde Park is where the snooty stuck up pretenders to wealth live. People who really have don't live like they do. Everything in this area is about money and the showy display of youth, beauty and the means of life.
Good to see you back at it Tim. Business sucks over here in Pinellas as well. 70 hours last week and cleared about 280. thats less than migrant workers who are here illegally. I hope it gets better. You were missed by many while you were goon. Take care, be safe, and stay positive. Cracker
Glad to see Tom, your brother leave a comment.
“..People who really have don't live like they do” – I think this is the greatest secret of true millionaires out there. You know, our job doesn't always define who we are. Your friend is proof of that. That's a pretty good story. Thank you for sharing!
Sabra Divis @Downtown Yellow Taxi
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