At the airport, Anthony helped me get it going but that did not last long (are drivers supposed to be trouble shooting and fixing anything? I got a better idea - have the shop put something in my cab that works).
Paul Hinton was very helpful yesterday and he gave me compensation for the down time. The next day it was working correctly, then it began to tip over like above and the ENTIRE GPS system is malfunctioning. Every time I called the office I was told to "bring it in and see Eddie." That turned out to be a mistake.
I could not even get to the home screen so I could not take any calls and that is costing me money. So, I brought it in. Eddie was busy with another driver that was having similar problems and he seemed agitated. When he came to my cab, all he could talk about was how he was missing lunch. It seems he had ordered food and wanted to go get it so he worked on my car in a flash. It was obvious he wanted to leave. He would not even tell me what he was doing. He said it was now fine and he was on his way to go get his food.
I restarted the cab and guess was not working. I had Eddies assistant look at it and he could not figure it out. I then waited in Paul's office waiting for Eddie to come back.
Eddie came in with his food and went upstairs and Paul called him to see what he was going to do. Eddie said into the phone "I know Tim is listening, its on speaker right Paul?" He then made up some lie and embarrassed me in front of Paul and two other drivers. He said he told me to shop it. He did not. He told me HE WAS HUNGRY AND WANTED HIS LUNCH. That is unacceptable. You've got a job to do and you need to develop a sense of urgency about this business. He was more concerned about his God Damn lunch then he was getting me on the road! That's not how to run any business.
Eddie seems to do what ever he wants. He goes on two hour lunches, and if Paul leaves early,he will split. He seems annoyed at anyone that comes to him with a tech problem, as if you were some schmuck for having a need (I pay $92 a day for this?). He is never around and if you need a battery, he will say shop the cab and look at you sideways
I left the office feeling humiliated and that should not happen. I will wake up in the morning and struggle to get calls. The GPS is useless and this kid needs to apologize to me. Then, I've got a great idea Eddie. FIX MY TAXI CAB!!!!!!! That would be a novel idea. By the way Eddie, I eat most my meals driving to calls. I suggest you adopt that type of approach.